The foundation to a thriving people is community.

Welcome to our Supportive Community

  • Rita Desterro

    FOUNDER of Earth Sustainable Living

  • Marjorie Sá

    Doula, Author, Founder of Thai 4 Pregnancy, Co-Founder of Water Doulas

  • Zoie Wilson

    Owner of Birth Care & Arts, Doula & Artist

  • Mariana Pimentel

    Teacher, way of council facilitator

  • Paula Andreewitch

    Yoga Teacher

  • Katia Leonardo

    Singer, composer, Voice Healer and art Therapist. Founder of Mystic Vocal and owner at Katia Leonardo Studio, In Lisbon

  • Julia Pessis

    Sex Educator, Sexological bodywork, alchemist and somatic experience pratices that adress trauma

Community Support

I belive in a space of sharing, caring, ritual and ceremony that support and accompany each woman and men, so we can remember the origin. Let´s be in contact with the first knowledge about the cyclicality of the human being and the earth so we can nurture and support each other.

The purpose of life is enjoy life.

There is no healing without change.

Learning is biological fact.

Open to the Mystery.

We only can enjoy, change, learning and open to the mystery belonging to supportive community that we can feel SAFE, BEEN SEEN, ACCEPTED and SUPPORTED.

In This CASA community we support events about: Relashionship, Way of council, Sexuality, whole food nutrition, Dance, Music, Ceremonies, Art, Movement, Education, Deep listening circles. All events are announced here, please feel free to join some of this gatherings.

Doula Support

  • Marjorita

    We are Marjorie and Rita, two Doulas supporting and nurishing your pregnancy, bith and postpartum.

    Maternal health is not only relative to Mothers themselves - but also to children and families - as children’s health is contingent upon Mother’s health. If we want to assure the health of the future generations, we need to begin by focusing on the health and well being of Mothers.

    "To changed the world we need to changed the way we born." Michel Odent

    The Doula job is to facilitate and support (physically, emotionally, energetically) moments of care, observation, breathing, bodywork (also in water), movement, rituals and presence. She Delivery the necessary information to support, so that Mother's and Couples can decide what is best for them in this moment of life.

  • Pregnancy

    - 1 gathering free for us to meet

    - 1 gathering about birth and physiology

    - emotional and physical support

    - 3 massage e 2 movement/breathin/meditation

    - 2 water session

    - 1 gathering postpartum

    - phone support and email from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

  • Birth

    - 1 gathering mother

    - 1 gathering father

    - 1 gathering mother and father

    - 1 gathering close to birth

    - labour and birth

    - 1 postpartum visit

    - 24h support after 38. Weeks

  • PostPartum

    -1 visit per week first 40 days

    - emotional and physical care and support

    - Helping you with the house care

    - provide assistance to the newborn and support in the care of the same

    - preparation of light and nutritious meals and snacks

    - postpartum care and massage

    -Revisit and integrate childbirth

    - Phone support

    -Closing Bones ceremony